Technology for global challenges
Sustainability and ESG priorities
We will create long-term value in a responsible manner while helping to solve the challenges facing society. Our technology and solutions will make a difference in defence and security, energy, transport, climate and the environment.
2021 at a glance

In 2021 we achieved 11 per cent CO2 emission reductions in total,
mainly due to reduced business travel and lower emissions from freight.

We signed up and committed to setting Science Based Targets
to reduce emissions in line with the ambitions of the Paris agreement.

Delivered sustainable innovation
In 2021 we delivered zero emission technologies for shipping and transport such as Yara Birkeland, the world’s first fully emission-free container ship and Hyseas, the world’s first full scale hydrogen-based propulsion system.

Our ambition is to increase the share of women across the company
In 2021 we have achieved an increase and will continue to work diligently towards a more diverse workforce. 2021: 20.4 per cent (total workforce) and 25 per cent (leadership positions).

Solid external ratings
KONGSBERG was, in 2022, recognized as an ESG industry Top Rated company by the ESG analysis company, Sustainalytics.

We respect and promote human rights
In 2021 we established a high priority project to develop and implement a comprehensive human rights due diligence program.

On track with our anti-corruption program
We conduct a systematic, risk-based due diligence program to manage risk related to market representatives. We do regular audits of all and in 2021 we achieved the ambition of auditing the 25 per cent in scope.

Ethics and compliance training for all employees
We conduct continuous training to ensure a high ethical standard and strengthen a robust culture. We aim for 100 per cent completion rate. In 2021, we introduced a better learning platform that caused some delays and achieved 79 per cent at year end.
Materiality assessment
KONGSBERG is a global company and our activities involve a wide range of sectors. Our activities have the potential to affect society and the environment in both positive and negative ways. Therefore, we regularly perform materiality assessments to ensure that our work and priorities within sustainability and ESG are relevant and targeted. We assess current developments and trends, reporting frameworks, regulatory development and talk to our stakeholders to understand the issues that are important to them.
We make continuous assessments to ensure that the analysis is up-to-date at all times. In 2021, human rights has characterized the agenda, both in the social debate and in regulatory development. Climate change and the ongoing energy transition demands that human rights must be prioritised at the highest level. A just transition into a sustainable society requires the safeguarding of vulnerable groups, without increasing inequality. The Norwegian Transparency Act and the EU taxonomy are presenting clear ESG requirements that companies across industries must observe and deliver on.
The combination of our own and our stakeholders’ assessments of the importance of human rights means that the topic is considered an important, stand-alone topic, and has thus been elevated to high materiality. Read more about this in the section on human rights. In 2022 we will carry out a new materiality assessment in line with updated GRI guidelines.
The table below shows the most important topics for KONGSBERG, reviewed and approved by corporate executive management and the Board of Directors. A more detailed description of the process and dialogue with stakeholders can be found in the “About the Sustainability Report” section.

Sustainability at KONGSBERG
- Ensure competitive, long-term value creation while supporting the Paris Agreement’s ambition of net zero greenhouse gas emissions in 2050.
- We will create and develop good jobs with a focus on health and safety, sustainability and labour rights.
- We respect and promote human rights in our operations and value chain.
- Every aspect of our business will be carried out in an ethical and responsible way and we have zero tolerance for corruption throughout the value chain.
- We conduct due diligence when selecting business partners and emphasise sustainability and ESG in our assessments.
- We will continuously protect information, personnel, physical assets and technology to avoid damage, misuse and breakdowns, and to ensure that our products and services work as intended.
KONGSBERG bought goods and services for MNOK 13,387 in 2021, from over 8,500 suppliers. We have a responsibility to contribute to a responsible supply chain across the ESG agenda. We will promote and create sustainable jobs, reduce GHG emissions and pollution, while creating value in local communities where we are present.
The UN Sustainable Development Goals set a common global agenda, guiding our priorities. The 17 goals can only be achieved through the efforts of businesses. We aim to support all the goals through our business, in terms of reducing negative impact, promoting sustainable development, and grasping the business opportunities arising in achieving the goals.
KONGSBERG delivers strategic solutions within several sectors, such as defense, maritime, energy, fishery and aerospace. Through our core business, we believe that our contributions are in particular supporting the achievement of the following goals:
- Goal 13: Climate action
- Goal 14: Life below water
- Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
A modern defence is essential for all nations’ safety, democracy and freedom, a prerequisite for sustainable societies. Advanced technologies contributing to reduce harmful GHG emissions are necessary to solve the climate challenge. Healthy and productive oceans unify climate solutions, food security and safety at sea.
The core of our work is to manage ESG-related risks and minimise negative impact on people, the environment and society. At the same time, we are developing solutions to accelerate sustainable development and create long-term value for our employees, owners and society as a whole. We will be on top of regulatory requirements and meet expectations from our stakeholders.
We believe that business must play an active role in the success of global sustainable development. At KONGSBERG all of our employees play a role in ensuring that we are a part of this journey. The CEO and President is responsible for our sustainability ambitions and priorities being monitored, complied with and integrated into the company’s strategy and culture. In 2021, sustainability was regularly on the agenda of the management meetings. The CEO and President also has personal goals related to sustainability, including the environment, social and corporate governance for 2022.
We work with international organisations such as the UN Global Compact, academia, our partners, employees, owners and other stakeholders to share knowledge and identify opportunities where together we can make a greater difference.
High ambitions for the future
The climate challenge remains the most critical risk we must succeed in solving as a society, and we must act now. KONGSBERG will play its part by reducing emissions and developing solutions that accelerate the energy transition. At the same time, we are taking an active role in increasing our commitment to sustainability across industries and nations. To achieve the goal of net zero carbon emissions in 2050, we need to work together, challenge and support each other on the way.
To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, KONGSBERG will both improve its own business and engage in the value chain – where we can make the most difference. In 2021, we committed to setting targets in accordance with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), in line with climate science and the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees. The SBTi is recognised as best international practice in terms of quality and support of the private sector in developing targets for emissions reductions. Read more about our work in the chapter on climate and environment.

Our values – determined, innovative, collaborative, and reliable – dictate the framework for our work and guide us on our journey to making a difference to people and the planet.