Annual Report and Sustainability Report 2021
Extreme performance for Extreme conditions
Kongsberg Gruppen (KONGSBERG) is an international technology group that delivers advanced and reliable solutions that improve safety, security and performance in complex operations and under extreme conditions. KONGSBERG works with demanding customers in the global defence, maritime, energy, fisheries and aerospace sectors.

Directors’ Report 2021
2021 was a solid year for the Group and KONGSBERG enters 2022 with a strong order backlog of nearly NOK 50 billion and strong market positions. In 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic also had a significant effect on both working methods and processes. Despite the uncertainty and challenges caused by the pandemic, the company has maintained good operations and project implementation while securing a significant new order intake.

Business areas
KONGSBERG is comprised of three business areas operating with autonomy in a strong corporate governance model. The organisation is connected through competence and technology synergies and a common culture based on our values.
Key Figures 2021
Notes to the charts
*) Figures in the income statement, orderintake and order backlog for 2019 and 2018 are adjusted for discontinued operations. Comparable figures earlier years are not adjusted.
**) From 2020 onwards profit shares are not longer included in EBITDA and EBIT. Compareable figures are adjusted.
***) Proposed dividend per share for 2021 is NOK 15.30 whereof NOK 3.30 is according to the ordinary dividend policy.

We aim to ensure competitive, long-term value creation – in line with the ambitions of the Paris Agreement. We will do this by using our technology and expertise for innovative, competitive, profitable and sustainable solutions for our customers and partners.

KONGSBERG is an enterprise based on knowledge and expertise. Our ambition is to contribute to sustainable development by creating and developing jobs with a focus on health and safety, sustainability, human rights and labour rights.

KONGSBERG has more than 200 years of tradition and history as a defence supplier and technology enterprise. It is fundamentally important for us to conduct our business in a responsible manner. It involves following the laws and regulations applicable in the countries where we operate, our own corporate Code of Ethics and Business Conduct and other national and international principles and frameworks for responsible business conduct.