We are continually making improvements
Climate and Environmental Accounts for 2021
In 2021, KONGSBERG developed a new climate plan in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement. We have set preliminary targets for 2030 and will finalize and report on the targets during 2022. This chapter covers our emissions and results for 2021.
We have worked to improve the quality of the data in our climate accounts, including the use of recognised and updated conversion factors; this has also resulted in some changes in historical figures.
We finished the previous climate plan in 2020, when we achieved substantial reductions in emissions, both measured relative to turnover and in relation to person-years. The reductions from the base year 2015 were 33 per cent measured in relation to turnover, and 28 per cent measured in relation to person-years. In 2021 we have achieved a significant reduction in emissions, measured both in total and relative to turnover and person-years. The reduction can mainly be referred to a decrease in emissions from air travel and transport due to changes in travel patterns and the increased use of digital meetings as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as our transport service providers offering more environmentally friendly transport methods. Direct emissions from our own activities (scope 1 and 2) increased in total between 2020 and 2021 mainly due to an increase in the use of oil at the district heating plant in Kongsberg Technology Park. Other units have reduced their emissions significantly.
Read more about our climate accounts and key figures in a separate chapter.
Total CO2 emissions (metric tonnes)
Total CO2 emissions (metric tonnes)
34 942
39 283
CO2 emissions relative to sales (metric tonnes / MNOK)
CO2 emissions relative to sales (metric tonnes / MNOK)
CO2 emissions relative to person-years of labour (metric tonnes/ person-years of labour)
CO2 emissions relative to person-years of labour (metric tonnes/ person-years of labour)
CO2 emissions
(-11% from 2020)
2,447 MT
Metric tonnes
Metric tonnes
Changes in the last year
Scope 1 (Direct emissions)3)
Scope 1 (Direct emissions)3)
2 447
1 076
1 255
Oil and gas (business area)
Oil and gas (business area)
1 036
1 207
Oil and gas (Kongsberg Technology Park)
Oil and gas (Kongsberg Technology Park)
1 816
Scope 2 (Indirect emissions)3)
Scope 2 (Indirect emissions)3)
8 795
8 297
9 582
Electricity (business area)
Electricity (business area)
6 147
5 970
7 540
Electricity (Kongsberg Technology Park)
Electricity (Kongsberg Technology Park)
District heating/cooling from external suppliers
District heating/cooling from external suppliers
2 405
2 094
2 042
Total scope 1 and 2
Total scope 1 and 2
11 242
9 373
10 937
Scope 3 (Other emissions)
Scope 3 (Other emissions)
6 430
7 979
33 782
Flights purchased in Norway
Flights purchased in Norway
3 628
6 051
23 885
Flights purchased abroad
Flights purchased abroad
2 802
1 928
9 897
Total without shipping
Total without shipping
17 672
17 352
44 619
Transport of goods and products paid for in Norway2)
Transport of goods and products paid for in Norway2)
17 270
21 931
24 4095)
Total including shipping
Total including shipping
34 942
39 283
69 028
The environmental accounts includes the following sources of CO2 emissions:
- Direct emissions (Scope 1): Emissions from the use of fuel oil and gas for heating and processes, as well as from the production of district heating at Kongsberg Technology Park.
- Indirect emissions from electricity (Scope 2): Emissions from electricity consumption and district heating or cooling from external suppliers. The CO2 emission factors used for electricity are location-based and in accordance with GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance 1).
- Emissions from flights and the transport of goods and products (Scope 3): Emissions from flights and emissions associated with the transport of goods and merchandise 2).
1) Sources: Fossil fuel emission factors from the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs, UK 2021. For Norway, a location-based factor of 8 g per CO2 per kWh has been used, taken from the Association of issuing bodies (AIB) (this emission factor for Norway has not been used for previous reporting years).
2) CO2 emissions from transport of goods and products are data reported by the two main suppliers: DHL and DSV.
3) CO2 emissions (metric tonnes) for KONGSBERG. Emissions from the consumption of fossil fuels for the production of district heating supplied by Kongsberg Technology Park are included in direct emissions. Indirect emissions include the consumption of electricity, district heating and cooling from external suppliers within the business areas, as well as the consumption of electricity for the production of district heating and cooling in Kongsberg Technology Park.
4) The figures for 2019 include acquired companies. The figures for 2020 are exclusive the disposed subsidiary Hydroid.
5) The figures for 2019 are corrected for changes in reporting format for freight.
Energy consumption
(+9% from 2020)
131.20 GWh
KONGSBERG uses energy in the form of electricity, district heating, district cooling, gas and heating oil in its operations. Kongsberg Technology Park produces district heating, district cooling and compressed air for businesses based in the technology parks in Kongsberg. Approximately half is supplied to other businesses in the technology park. District heating and district cooling are produced using electricity, heating oil, gas and heat recovery. Efficient technology makes it possible to recover in the range of 20–27 GWh heat at the facility at Kongsberg Technology Park. In 2021, 27 GWh was recovered at the facility.
Electricity (MWh)
Electricity (MWh)
131 205
122 510
133 686
102 071
92 795
Gas/oil (MWh)
Gas/oil (MWh)
10 371
6 195
6 277
4 095
5 397
Heat recovery (MWh)1) 3)
Heat recovery (MWh)1) 3)
41 187
32 865
38 060
25 004
26 208
Energy consumption (MWh) per employee
Energy consumption (MWh) per employee
Energy consumption (MWh/MNOK)3)
Energy consumption (MWh/MNOK)3)
- Energy recovery at Kongsberg Technology Park, as well as purchased district heating and remote cooling from external companies.
- The figures for 2019 include acquired companies. The figures for 2020 are exclusive the disposed subsidiary Hydroid.
- Figures for 2019 have been corrected.
(+9% from 2020)
789 MT
Through systematic work in all business areas, residual and hazardous waste have been reduced, while waste for recycling has increased.
Waste for recycling
Waste for recycling
6 408
5 422
5 712
Residual waste
Residual waste
1 029
1 080
Hazardous waste
Hazardous waste
1 038
- The figures for 2019 include acquired companies. The figures for 2020 are exclusive the disposed subsidiary Hydroid.